To construct the industrial buildings of a company labeled as a living heritage.
To build the industrial premises of this company labeled as a living heritage company, this company has chosen to involve all its employees who moreover were already engaged in a management approach for their company which is the first SCOP of initiation of France (employees gradually become, over seven years, the majority in the shared capital).
The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label is a mark of recognition by the State which distinguishes French companies with excellent craftsmanship and industrial know-how.
Thanks to its promotion of rare, traditional or very innovative know-how, the EPV label effectively strengthens the commercial attractiveness of companies emblematic of French excellence.
In this participatory approach, the Mericom Archi team of architects has been involved and this, since the development of the program in fact even before the definition of the place. That is to say, it was active in research and the negotiations undertaken for the choice of the site of implantation, until the handing over of the keys on time and on time of the finished premises.
Position by position, each employee was consulted during the project phase and the development of industrial building plans was refined during numerous presentations to all employees (a back and forth essential to build an industrial building in consultation) .
In this shared management, an eco-responsible waste management issue from this industrial mechanics company producing a lot of metal and plastic shavings was implemented as well as the recovery process that follows.
Incoming and outgoing flows have been studied, analyzed and optimized.
Everything has been done by Mericom Archi to support the team in the upheavals caused by the relocation of all machines, offices and working methods. It is a radical change of posture and a real strategy of evolution that has been put in place, thought out in consultation.
Alone we go fast, together we go further! Is the slogan of this company.
A virtuous circle to build an industrial building ...
Architect in Nantes
A project, a desire ?
Mericom archi is a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers and
construction professionals, who readily adapt their know-how to meet the
requirements of your project. We operate throughout the Western France.